July 1, 1895 Monday

July 1 Monday – At Quarry Farm Sam wrote to Frank Bliss.

Yours of June 29 received [not extant]. I have been considering and shall not close with the offer of $12000, for 12 magazine articles until I have taken plenty of time to make up my mind. I’ve got to go to New York if I possibly can, before July 10, and if I go I will telegraph you and have a talk with you then.

Sam thought he could travel if the doctor consented [MTP].

Sam also wrote to James B. Pond with a list of his “finally-decided-upon” program of talks for the tour; he was concerned that a prior schedule of talks might already be in the hands of future audiences.

Don’t you fail to squelch & suppress that former Program in every single case where possible [MTP].

Note: For past tours Sam often shifted his program content for various reasons. See Fatout’s list given under June 11, for a more accurate compilation of readings given.

Livy wrote to American Publishing Co.: “Until further orders you will make to F.G. Whitmore of Hartford Conn. all statements and payments of moneys on account of royalties and profits arising from the sales of books written by Samuel L. Clemens and now standing in my name” [MTP].

Livy wrote to H.H. Rogers “I feel as if you would get tird of the Elmira postmark. I come however with another proposition — in case Mr Clemens is not able to go to Fairhaven the last of this week could not you and Mrs Duff and Dr Rice come here?” She offered her brother as host [MTP].

Livy wrote to Cara L. Duff (Clara): “If Mr Clemens does not get well enough to go to you the latter part of this month we want you to come here with your father and Dr. Rice. Will you?” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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