March 22, 1899 Wednesday

March 22 Wednesday – At the Hotel Krantz in Vienna, Austria, Sam replied to Poultney Bigelow and his invitation to get together (not extant).

Of course I should like it ever so much—it goes without saying—but if I see England by the middle of September that is the earliest I can hope for.

We are leaving for Budapest tomorrow for a week, to lecture and attend a banquet; then return and peg away at work without any more holidays till midsummer, when it is our idea to loaf along home slowly to America by way of Sweden, Norway and St. Petersburg, and by sea across to England and then take ship for New York.

Sam then related the watermelon cure for dysentery:

I tried to get Gen. von Versen to persuade the Kaiser to protect the summer camps of his armies with water melon patches, but he said the things wouldn’t ripen in Germany.

We are all pretty well, except for influenza, and we send love to you and Mrs. Bigelow and the children  [MTP].

Sam also responded to a cable (not extant) from James M. Tuohy of the NY World asking for a copy of a speech for the paper.

You may not need it, still I send it. It is the concluding sentences of a speech which I am expecting to make at the banquet in Budapest tomorrow night—after speaking to the special subject of the Evening, which is the celebration of the jubilee of the Emancipation of the Hungarian press. A hint of politics will not be improper, as the Government (Liberal) will be present, also many Liberal members of Parliament [MTP]. Note: Sam did not give the speech he sent to Tuohy, confiding it to William Dean Howells in a letter written Apr. 2 to 13 [MTHL 2: 690].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.