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October – Sam wrote “Private” to Richard Watson Gilder:

Can’t you send to Professor Henry Ferguson, Trinity College, Hartford, & get him to photograph a page or two of Samuel Ferguson’s Diary for reproduction?”

Sam suggested Gilder write Joe Twichell who would attend to the errand, and also that Gilder might get photographs of the Ferguson brothers and also a current one of Professor Ferguson, to be added to his account of the Hornet survival [MTP]. See Feb. 25 for information about the Ferguson brothers, who survived the disaster in 1866.

Christian Science and the Book of Mrs. Eddy” first ran in the Cosmopolitan. It was collected in the English edition of The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories and Sketches (London: Chatto & Windus, 1900) and in an edition by Tauchnitz in Leipzig the same year. The essay was incorporated into Sam’s book Christian Science with Notes Containing Corrections to Date (1907) [Budd, Collected 2: 1005].

Alf Doten’s article, “Early Journalism in Nevada” ran in the October issue of The Nevada Magazine, p.182-4. Tenney: “Includes the account of a joke Steve Gillis played, presenting MT with an imitation Meerschaum pipe.  (Source: Benson (1938), pp. 88, 90, 162)” [30]. Note: Doten (1829-1903) was a journalist friend of Sam’s in Nevada.

M.S. Levy’s article, “A Rabbi’s Reply to Mark Twain,’ ran in the Overland Monthly, p. 364-7. Tenney: “An answer to MT’s ‘Concerning the Jews’ in the September Harper’s, lists Jewish patriots and their contribution to American freedom, and points to brave Jewish soldiers in American and other armies” [31].

Samuel E. Moffett’s article, “Mark Twain: A Biographical Sketch,” ran in McClure’s for Oct. , included a statement by Sam that the sketch suited him entirely [Tenney 31].

Review of Reviews (NY) ran an anonymous article, “A Sketch of Mark Twain,” p.480-2, summarizing Samuel Moffett’s biographical sketch of Mark Twain, which ran in the Oct. McClure’s. On p. 490 of the same issue there is a brief summary, with quotation, of Sam’s “Christian Science and the Book of Mrs. Eddy,” which ran in the Oct. Cosmopolitan [Tenney: “A Reference Guide Third Annual Supplement,” American Literary Realism, Autumn 1979 p. 186].

Thomas Wentworth Higginson ’s article, “The Road to England” ran in Atlantic Monthly, p.524. Wells: “Higginson relates the anecdote that he could command the ear of any Englishman ‘by dropping out the fact that I had dined with Mark Twain in his own house and that he had said grace at table’” [25].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.