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July 3 Monday – Paine writes of a switch in hats between Twain and Basil Wilberforce at T. Douglas Murray’s (1841-1911) luncheon this day (except that he confuses July 3 with the period shortly after the Clemenses arrived in London):

They remained several weeks in London, where they were welcomed with hospitality extraordinary. They had hardly arrived when they were invited by Lord Salisbury to Hatfield House, and by James Bryce to Portland Place, and by Canon Wilberforce to Dean’s Yard. A rather amusing incident happened at one of the luncheon-parties. Canon Wilberforce was there and left rather early. When Clemens was ready to go there was just one hat remaining. It was not his, and he suspected, by the initials on the inside, that it belonged to Canon [Basil] Wilberforce. However, it fitted him exactly and he wore it away [MTB 1085].

Note: T. Douglas Murray was a barrister educated at Oxford. Sam’s relationship with him was close and cordial until Murray made numerous editorial changes in an Introduction Sam wrote for the Official Trial Records of Joan of Arc, a book edited by Murray, published in 1902. Fatout references this as an “unidentified luncheon” [MT Speaking 666]; now it is identified.

At the Prince of Wales Hotel in London, England, Sam wrote to Canon (Clergyman) Albert Basil Orme Wilberforce (1841-1916):

Dear Canon Wilberforce,—It is 8 P.M. During the past four hours I have not been able to take anything that did not belong to me; during all that time I have not been able to stretch a fact beyond the frontiers of truth try as I might, & meantime, not only my morals have moved the astonishment of all who have come into contact with me, but my manners have gained more compliments than they have been accustomed to. This mystery is causing my family much alarm. It is difficult to account for it. I find I haven’t my own hat. Have you developed any novelties of conduct since you left Mr. Murray’s, & have they been of a character to move the concern of your friends? I think it must be this that has put me under this happy charm; but, oh dear! I tremble for the other man! / Sincerely yours, / S.L. Clemens [MTB 1085].

Note: Wilberforce, son of Samuel Wilberforce (1805-1873), was appointed Canon of Westminster Abbey in 1894, chaplain of the House of Commons in 1896, and Arch-deacon of Westminster in 1900; he published several volumes of sermons. See Gribben p.768 for an 1880-2 bio of Samuel Wilberforce by the eldest of his three sons, Reginald Garton Wilberforce (1838-1914) that Clara Clemens listed in her commonplace book between 1888 and 1904.

Before receiving Sam’s note, Basil Wilberforce answered; Sam received it at 8:30 p.m.:

Dear Mr. Clemens,—I have been conscious of a vivacity and facility of expression this afternoon beyond the normal and I have just discovered the reason!! I have seen the historic signature “Mark Twain” in my hat!! Doubtless you have been suffering from a corresponding dullness & have wondered why. I departed precipitately, the hat stood on my umbrella and was a new Lincoln & Bennett—it fitted me exactly and I did not discover the mistake till I got in this afternoon. Please forgive me. If you should be passing this way to-morrow will you look in and change hats? or shall I send it to the hotel? / I am, very sincerely yrs., / Basil Wilberforce [MTB 1086; July 3 to Howells]. Note: considering the two letters crossed [July 3 to Howells] neither reading the other’s first, it is somewhat remarkable that the humor between them was of the same flavor. This is one more clergyman that Sam felt akin with in some way.

Sam also replied to William Dean Howells’ June 11:

Of course go lecturing, if you can stand the travel. If Pond paid MacLaren only two-thirds of the profits—all right. MacLaren is a Scotchman & a Christian—a combination hard to beat in business. As to Pond’s word, he will pay you your share honestly—that I believe. But I draw the line there. I cannot imagine Pond’s making a statement of any kind upon any subject that I would dream of believing. He is as good a soul as lives, & one cannot help being fond of him, but he hasn’t G.W.’s [George Washington’s] infirmity. Pond is not an interesting liar; it is the only fault he has. If his parents had taken the least little pains with his training, it could have been so different. He is destitute of the sense of proportion, & he has no imagination. These are fatal defects in a liar.

Pond is also a fool. I have seldom seen so complete & compact a one. But he is a most kindly & pleasant one, & I would not trade his society for that of the average wise man.

Sam informed Howells that he was ordering Frank Bliss to send along FE and also the volumes of the Uniform Edition as they appeared. He praised the quality of the Uniform books. He closed with the story about his hat being switched with Basil Wilberforce, Canon of Westminster Abbey, earlier in the day at a luncheon, and that their letters on the subject had crossed [MTHL 2: 703-5].

Sam also wrote to H.H. Rogers, first about his son, H.H. Rogers, Jr. (“Harry”), and then about his daughter Mai Huttleston Rogers (Mrs. William R. Coe):

I have been getting up my muscle all these past five days, and when I get hold of that young Eleck T. Rickspark I mean to make him think Sandow has arrived. He left your letter of introduction at Chatto’s, but not his address; Miss May [Mai] called yesterday and named her own hotel and also the one he is stopping at, but Mrs. Clemens entrusted the matter to her memory and that hotel has slipped out of it. I am hoping he will turn up to-morrow, for Miss May said he would. If he doesn’t, I will start the police on his track. Why, his conduct is just scandalous—this comes of associating with [Clarence C.] Rice, you see.

Sam liked the news Mai brought of H.H. Rogers building a yacht, and asked him to save him a berth.

Mai was leaving this morning. The Clemenses were leaving for Sweden on July 7 [MTHHR 401].

Note: Eugen Sandow (1867-1925) was Prussian. He is often referred to as the “Father of Modern Bodybuilding.” He was Ziegfeild’s first star at the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago.

Sam also wrote “Only a line” to Joe Twichell to inform him they were leaving for Sweden in four days so would not be there when the Twichells came on July 26—it was “too bad, too bad!” they wouldn’t meet in London. Sam invited the Twichells to “Come to Sweden!” and then told the story about swapping hats with the Canon of Westminster Abbey [MTP].

Sam’s notebook: “Mon [July] 3 Mr. Murray lunch (both)” [NB 40 TS 57]. T. Douglas Murray.

Chatto & Windus’ Jan. 1, 1904 statement shows that 2,000 additional copies of the 3s.6d. edition of LM was published [1904 Financials file MTP] ; Welland shows 4,000 total from Nov. 16, 1894 to this date [236].

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Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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