December 24, 1896

December 24 Thursday – In London Sam wrote to Chatto & Windus:

I would like to have a copy of Olive Schreiner’s (& her husband’s) little book (political) — forgotten the name of it — published a couple of months or such a matter ago — by Fisher Unwin [MTP]. NoteOlive Schreiner and Samuel Cron Cronwright-Schreiner The Political Situation [In Cape Colony] (1896) by London publisher, T. Fisher Unwin. See Gribben 608.

H.H. Rogers wrote to Sam:

I have been out of town and ill and had other things to annoy me, hence my neglect in writing you. At last I have a letter from Bliss, copy of which I enclose which I think meets the questions you raised in your letter of the 24th of Nov. or at least, as near to the same as I can get. Bliss in closing up his letter says, these are all the points I raised with him, (which is not quite true,) but as much as I was able to get him to yield. …. Please read Bliss’s letter, and if the same is acceptable, sign the contracts and I will attach Bliss’s letter to your copy of the contract and it will therefore become part of it.

Rogers also confirmed the help given to Helen Keller through Eleanor Hutton’s efforts, and related a Lotos Club dinner where he’d discussed the matter with Laurence Hutton.

I don’t imagine that you will have a very Merry Christmas, but certainly all our wishes are that you may. Remember me with much kindness to Mrs. Clemens and your daughters … [MTHHR 255-7]. Note: Sam would answer this letter on Jan. 4, 1897.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.