August 5, 1897

August 5 ThursdayJames Hammond Trumbull (1821-1897) died. Trumbull, with whom Sam enjoyed a personal as well as a professional relationship, was the contributor of the multi-lingual headings in GA, as well as a scholar and Hartford historian, whose work on the philology and history of Native Americans made his reputation. See indexed entries, Vol. I&II, MTDBD on Trumbull. Sam wrote a tribute to the man sometime during the family’s stay in Weggis. The article ran in the Hartford Courant on Nov. 1, 1897, p.3 as well as the Nov. issue of Century Magazine.

Mary Aklom (Mrs. A.J. Aklom) wrote from Pachmarlie, India to Sam, delayed thanks for JA. Aklom had rec’d a letter from Sam’s daughter (unspecified) a week or two ago though it made them sad to see “how terribly she still misses her sister….” They were looking forward to his book on India [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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