May 27, 1899 Saturday

May 27 Saturday – The Clemens family rested at Prince of Thurn und Taxis’ country estate outside of Prague [Dolmetsch 312].

The New York Times, p BR351, ran an article about Sam’s desire to have his reminiscences published 100 years in the future:


Views as to Its Publication a Century Hence.

The ingenuity of Mark Twain with respect to his books has just shown itself again and in a highly interesting and novel manner. According to the latest news from him in Vienna, a new book of personal reminiscences will not be published, he says, until one hundred years after his death. Here is certainly a long time for an author to impose as a restriction on the publication of his own work; the tendency generally is to the other extreme. But if Mark Twain is in earnest, it may be that he does not wish to give readers of the present day an entire monopoly of his writings, but wishes to bequeath some of the good things to the future. The book is, according to The London Times, a bequest to posterity.

There may be some other good reason, however, for its long-delayed publication. Mark Twain boldly states that he is going to tell the truth without respect to persons, conventions, or pruderies, and that the men and women mentioned will appear “with all their warts.” It is further said that this book will not be written in Mark Twain’s familiar style, which the author anticipates will be forgotten by the time the work is published. If the style be forgotten, what will become of the author’s name toward the beginning of the twenty-first century, and will the persons and incidents mentioned by absorbingly entertaining at that time?

Mr. Arthur Scribner and a few other publishers are inclined to smile skeptically at the announcement [Note: Scribner’s remarks were followed by those of John Kendrick Bangs, Prof. Harry Thurston Peck of Columbia University, and Irving Putnam of G.P. Putnam’s Sons.

Academy (London) ran a brief comment on the reminiscences Mark Twain said he was writing [Tenney 29].

An anonymous article, “Mark Twain’s Promised Biographies,” ran in Spectator, p.744-5. Tenney: “MT plans to leave Vienna soon, and according to the TIMES correspondent there, he plans to spend his remaining years on a series of utterly candid biographies of persons he has known, to be sealed and only published a hundred years after his death; this article is devoted largely to the difficulty of writing impartial biography or history” [Tenney: “A Reference Guide Second Annual Supplement,” American Literary Realism, Autumn 1978 p. 171].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.