September 27, 1899 Wednesday

September 27 Wednesday – In Sanna, Sweden Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers. On the left corner of the envelope: “Dear Mr. Rogers: Won’t you please examine & correct the enclosed & send it to Gilder & ask him to cable?” [MTP; not in MTHHR]. Note: the enclosed is not known.

Jonas Henrick Kellgren Osteopath billed Sam £300.6.0 for “treatment board and lodging to the 27 Sept. inclusive” [1899 Financial file MTP].

The Clemens family left Sanna bound for London [Sept. 26 to Pond]. Coming to Sanna the family traveled on some four and a half hours by rail from Götenburg to Jönkoping; then three miles by two-horse landau to Sanna. It is assumed they took the same route back, which would put them at Götenburg for the evening. Note: A NY Times article on Oct. 1, p.21 erroneously announced that Mark Twain had arrived in Berlin on Sept 30. “from Sweden en route to London,” so it is possible the Clemens family went from Berlin to Amsterdam to London. It is not likely, however, that they were in Berlin on Sept. 30 since that is the date Sam wrote Whitmore and Forbes he was in London. There was time for the family to travel through Berlin.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.