March 2, 1897

March 2 Tuesday – At 23 Tedworth Square in London, Sam wrote to John Y. MacAlister at 20 Hanover Square, London, declining his “kind invitation” to an unnamed gathering due to his “bereavement [MTP]. Note: MacAlister obviously replied, his letter not extant but implied by Sam’s Mar 2 to 24 response.

MacAlister was editor of Library magazine and member of the Savage Club.

Between March 2 and March 24 – At 23 Tedworth Square in London, Sam wrote to John Y. MacAlister, responding to another inquiry not extant:

You speak a language which I understand. I would like to see you. Could you come and smoke some manilas; I would, of course, say dine, but my family are hermits and cannot see any one, but I would have a fire in my study, and if you come at any time after your dinner that might be most convenient to you; you would find me and welcome [MTP: Cyril Clemens, Mark Twain the Letter Writer, 1932, p.124]. Note: See also Apr. 6 to MacAlister.

Paine writes of Sam’s (relatively) limited social interactions during this time:

He saw little company. Now and then a good friend, J.Y.W. MacAlister, came in for a smoke with him….Clemens occasionally went out to dinner, but very privately. He dined with Bram Stoker, who invited Anthony Hope (Hawkins) and one or two others, and with the Chattos and Mr. Percy Spalding; also with Andrew Lang , who wrote, “Your old friend, Lord Lorne, wants to see you again”; with the Henry M. Stanleys and Poultney Bigelow, and with Francis H. Skrine, a government official he had met in India. But in all such affairs he was protected from strangers and his address was kept a secret from the public [MTB 1038- 9]. (Editorial emphasis for names.) See Feb. 1897 entry for Bigelow’s persuasion to tea. Lord Lorne was John D.S. Campbell.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.