October 1856,  late

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October,  late – In Cincinnati Sam found employment as a typesetter for T.  Wrightson and Co., one of the city’s  leading printers. He worked there into the next spring, some six months [MTL 1: 70]. Sam’s time in Cincinnati is  one of the “least documented of his life…” [MT Encyclopedia, Poole 145] but  he did write two more Snodgrass letters while there. Sam lived in a  boarding house. Long hours at work plus discussions with other boarders didn’t  allow Sam much time for writing.

October  13, 1856 Monday

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October  13 Monday – Sam made a brief stay in St. Louis, staying with his mother,  and sister. He attended the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical  Association Fair. He wrote a sketch of it,  titled “The Great Fair at St. Louis,” signed, “SAM,” which appeared in the  Keokuk Post on Oct. 21 and then in the Saturday Post on Oct. 25 [MTL 1: 69].

October 1840

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October   – John Marshall sold on credit about $1,000 for merchandise  bought wholesale to one Ira Stout, who then used the new  bankruptcy laws to avoid payment. Ultimately this led to the loss of the  Clemens home [Wecter 56].