October 14, 1878 Monday

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Sam wrote from Venice,  Italy to Chatto & Windus,  asking them to send copies of Innocents Abroad and The Adventures of  Tom Sawyer to William Mayer,  care of G.K. Mayer, Vienna Austria [MTLE 3: 94]. Following the establishment of a Linotype factory in 1890 in England,  the publisher William Mayer and his son Jacques traveled to Germany in 1894 to  find business partners there. 

October 12, 1878 Saturday

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D. & C. Mac Iver wrote from Liverpool to advise “by  the request of Mr. George C. Wild we write to say that we shall be glad to  receive any articles, personal effects or otherwise & store & ship them  as you may instruct us” [MTP].

October 10, 1878 Thursday

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From Sam’s notebook:
Today received an  impudent letter from George Burk asking for 175 francs more—but it furnishes me  with his address, which I want.

Afternoon—3 of the very  worst & most dismal solo singers in the world have been on the masonry platform ½ hour apart—never heard anything worse in the opera [MTNJ 2:  208].

October 8, 1878 Tuesday

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Sam’s notebook: “Began with Dittura [Agostino]  Oct 8 by the day at 5 f a day & 50 pour-boir—we have to have  him day & evening both” [MTNJ 2: 205] Agostino was the second  gondolier employed by the Clemens family [205n89].

George Burk wrote from Venice, Italy asking for  additional severance pay of 175 francs and sending his address [MTP;  MTNJ 2: 208].

October 4, 1878 Friday

Submitted by scott on

Sam’s notebook:
Great Council Chamber,  Ducal Palace. Immediately at right of the door as you enter, in the big picture  over the book shelves, is a fisherman in the foreground in a green dress  holding one basket of fish against his body & resting another basket of  fish on a woman’s head. This Fisherman has but one leg—but that is not the  singularity, but the fact that it is the port leg, attached to the starboard  side of his body [MTNJ 2:  199- 200]. Note: Sam evaluated several  other paintings in like manner.

October 1, 1878 Tuesday

Submitted by scott on

In his letter of Nov. 20 to Twichell,  Sam wrote that he had “discharged George [Burk]  at Venice—the worthless idiot—& have developed into a pretty fair sort of  courier myself since then” [MTLE 3:  101]. Sam fired Burk on Oct. 1 [MTNJ 2: 197] Note: George Burk had been the portier at the Schloss Hotel in Heidelberg   when Sam hired him. Sam gave Burk 100 franks extra and let him go.

October 1878

Submitted by scott on

October – A  notation in Sam’s notebook listed The Bible for Young People, translated by Wicksteed  in six volumes [MTNJ  2: 209]. Evidently  this was a reminder to send these books to Orion upon returning home, as Orion was writing a  biblical refutation. Orion had recently been excommunicated from the First Westminster Presbyterian Church of Keokuk [209n95].

Sam read William Wetmore Story’s  (1819-1895) 2  volume Roba di Roma (1863) and entered in his notebook: