Vicksburg, Mississippi

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Because of Vicksburg's location on the Mississippi River, it built extensive trade from the prodigious steamboat traffic in the 19th century. It shipped out cotton coming to it from surrounding counties and was a major trading city in West Central Mississippi.

Memphis, Tennessee

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Clemens visited the town frequently during his piloting days on the Mississippi River.  In June of 1858 he spent a week there while his brother, Henry, was in hospital after the Pennsylvania's explosion.

Mark Twain was again in Memphis in 1882.  From Life on the Mississippi:

Cairo, IL

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Cairo, Illinois is a significant location in Mark Twain’s book “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. The confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers is where Jim hopes to escape to freedom, abandoning their raft and taking a steamboat up into the free state of Ohio. Huck and Jim never reach Cairo.