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March 13, 1903 Friday

March 13 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Harper & Brothers.

Concerning the copyright of my works. With a view of having it clearly understood, please take notice that my preference is that you should copyright in my name always.

In regard to the Double Barrelled Detective story, and the Hadleyburg, copyrighted in your name and which you have assigned to me, I will be glad if you will have same recorded at Washington [MTP].

March 14, 1903 Saturday

March 14 SaturdaySam’s notebook : “Delenda est Chicago—(must be blotted out.) APH / Sailor (?) that used to tell us about his murders & piracies, & do fool sailor-talk & incorrect—from books” [NB 46 TS 12].

March 15, 1903 Sunday

March 15 SundayCelia B. Whitehead wrote from Denver, Colo. to Sam, asking in melodramatic language where she might send the enclosed MS (not extant, probably returned) for publication. The MS had been rejected by The Outlook—why did he think that was? [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the letter, “Why should she suppose I had time for such drudgery?”

March 16, 1903 Monday

March 16 MondaySam’s notebook: “APH / Mrs. J.L. Mott / 7 p.m. / 17 E 47th. 6.16 train / Life consists of thinking. The matters thought of & the manner of treatment determine the character of the resulting life” [NB 46 TS 12]. Note: this entry suggests Sam wrote a subject for a talk at the evening gathering at the Mott residence. See prior Mott entries, esp. Dec. 9, 1900.

March 17, 1903 Tuesday

March 17 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Helen Keller, who had sent him an inscribed copy of her autobiography The Story of My Life (1903) on Mar. 10.

I must steal half a moment from my work to say how glad I am to have your book, & how highly I value it, both for its own sake & as a remembrancer of an affectionate friendship which has subsisted between us for nine years without a break, & without a single act of violence that I can call to mind.

March 18, 1903 Wednesday

March 18 Wednesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Laurence Hutton, now in Hot Springs, Ariz.

Mr. Rogers has lent me your letter of the 8th, & I am going to try to reach you with a line. You will be gone from Hot Springs, but maybe the P.O. will know your new address. By gracious I am very sorry you & Mrs. Hutton have gone so far to fare so ill, very very sorry. But let it rejoice you to know that we who have remained have not fared better—at least not all the time. …

March 19, 1903 Thursday

March 19 Thursday – At Delmonico’s in N.Y.C. Sam attended a 1 p.m. luncheon given by George C. Riggs for Colonel Herbert J. Foster [NB 46 TS 12], where he signed a letter to Laurence Hutton taken down by J.D. Jerrold Kelley veteran of the U.S. Navy and author of The Ship’s Company and Other Sea People (1897) see Gribben 366. The group drank to Hutton’s health and return, and besides Sam and Kelley included: Herbert J.

March 20, 1903 Friday

March 20 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Lawrence J. Anhalt, theatrical manager and producer who was seeking an interview.

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