April 2, 1903 Thursday

April 2 Thursday – An unspecified doctor and specialist conferred and concluded that Livy would recover fully. They “ordered” her to go to Italy for the next winter. Clara Clemens wrote a Florence friend to locate a villa nearby [Apr. 7 to MacAlister].

Sam’s notebook: “Harry Rogers [illegible number?] pm / 38 E. 38. / Mr. Rogers put up monument to Drake in the oil regions (1902)” [NB 46 TS 13].

inserts: Drake monument.

Notes: Edwin Laurentine Drake

(1819-1880) oil pioneer who had died in obscurity, was disinterred and re-buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery, Titusville, Penn., where H.H. Rogers built a monument to Drake. Among the panels of the monument reads this tribute to Drake’s invention of the drive pipe: “Called by circumstances to the solution of a great mining problem, He triumphantly vindicated American skill and near this spot Laid the foundation of an industry.” Drake is given credit as the first to drill for oil in the US.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.