April 20, 1902 Sunday

April 20 Sunday – Sam returned from Princeton, N.J. to Riverdale. In the evening he substituted for someone who was to introduce the actress Clara Morris (Mrs. Frederick C. Harriott) (1848-1925) at Wallack’s Theatre. Morris was called a genius and a great “emotional actress.” Her career was brief but she was a memorable star. The New York Times reported the event on Apr. 21, p.2, “Clara Morris Tells of Stage Life Trials”:

Wallack’s Theatre was one great stage last evening [Apr. 20]. On it were gathered many of New York’s prominent actors, who, throwing off their daily roles, assumed that of hearers, and listened to Miss Clara Morris. For almost two hours the latter stood and chatted with her friends of the experience of bygone years. The artists and literary people present, who had not been initiated into the privacy of life behind the scenes, caught nice bits of color and enjoyed the chat as much as anyone else.

Shortly before 9 o’clock, Miss Clara Morris was led on stage by Mark Twain, who by way of preface said: “I was born by accident, and by fortunate accident the person who was to have introduced Clara Morris did not arrive. Everybody knows I’m well qualified to make an introduction, and if I had had time to know what I want to say, I should say it. But as it is I can’t pay any compliments—in fact, it is not necessary, since Miss Morris’s whole life has been her compliment.”

Livy’s diary: “We took Mildred Holden, Mable McGinnis & Rodman Gilder with us up to our new Tarry Town house (which by the way is not yet in our possession) for a cold luncheon: sending Fletcher (the butler Katy) there before us to prepare the luncheon. Sunday afternoon came for tea Miss Martin; Sam Moffett; Mr Stillman; Dr H [?] Mr & Mrs & Miss Appleton.

In the evening we all four went into town to hear Clara Morris lecture. As Mr Watterson who was to introduce her did not arrive, Mr Clemens introduced her; I thought making a nice 2 minute speech. ” [MTP: DV161].

Frank Richard Stockton (1834-1902) died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Washington, D.C. Stockton was a popular humorist and writer from Philadelphia, best known for a series of innovative children’s fairy tales. His collected works amounted to 23 books of stories for adults and children, published between 1899 and 1904. As a young man he broke the “world’s record” for downing hotdogs. Later he was assistant editor of the St. Nicholas Magazine under Mary Mapes Dodge. The first meeting between Mark Twain and Stockton was likely sometime in the 1880s. Specifics are often elusive for first meetings, but the first recorded one in these volumes finds both men at Madison Square Garden on Apr. 14, 1887. On Apr. 24, 1902 Sam served as a pallbearer in Stockton’s funeral in Philadephia.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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