April 7, 1902 Monday

April 7 Monday – The Kanawha was at Old Point Comfort, Va. The New York Times ran a special on the progress of the cruise on the first page, April 8 issue.



The Kanawha with ex-Speaker Reed and Mark Twain at Newport News.

Special to The New York Times.

NEWPORT NEWS, Va., April 7.—A party arrived at Old Point this morning on the yacht Kanawha, owned by Mr. H.H. Rogers, the Standard Oil magnate. They had been to Charleston and Cuba, and came here to inspect places of interest surrounding Fort Monroe. On board were Mr. Rogers, ex-Speaker Thomas B. Reed, Prof. Laurence Hutton of Princeton, Dr. Rice, ex-Representative Foot[e], and Samuel L. Clemens, (Mark Twain.)

The Kanawha dropped anchor about 10 o’clock and the party came ashore. They were met by friends from Fort Monroe and shown around the peninsula this afternoon.

The Kanawha sailed this evening for New York.

Thomas B. Reed left the group so he might take a train to argue a law case [MTHHR 483n2; NB 45 TS 9].

Sam’s notebook: “Saw Reed off to Washington. Chamberlain Hotel. Maj. Gen McCook, wife, daughter, & wife’s sister. Old Point Comfort—18 hours by excellent vessel from New York. Delightful hotel Fortress Monroe. Jeff Davis. Hampton School, 20 minutes left for it, 2 or 3 p.m.” [NB 45 TS 9].

Sam’s ship log: “Saw Reed off to Washington by rail. Guard-mount at Fortress Monroe. Military Club in the embrasures of the fortress—guests of Maj. Gen. McCook. Jeff Davis resided here (by request) for a while. / Hampton School 20 minutes away. / Sailed at 3 p.m.” [MTP]. Note: Edward M. McCook (1833-1909), famous Civil War General and a member of the famous Ohio family of “Fighting McCooks”; Governor of Colorado Territory 1869-75; thereafter a wealthy investor in real estate, mining, and European telephone companies.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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