June 5, 1900 Tuesday

June 5 TuesdaySam’s notebook: “Exhibition (medical) Queen’s Hall, top of Regent St—3 p.m./ Jim Clemens—dinner 7.30. 22 Queensberry Place, Cromwell Road / Jap show. Nottinghill Gate Coronet Theatre 2.30 p.m.” [NB 43 TS 15].

At 30 Wellington Court in London, Sam replied to an invitation by James Mark Baldwin to dine at one of the Oxford colleges.

Dear Professor Baldwin:—

I shall like it. It is so long since I was last in Oxford that all its features are grown dim to me; even Guy Faux’s lantern.

But you are mixed and unscientific in your dates. Do you mean Sunday or do you mean Monday? Do you mean the 10th or do you mean the 11th? It is all one to me.

Thank you very much for the book. So far—up to the middle—I find no attempts to deceive, and am gaining confidence. / Sincerely yours… [James M. Baldwin, Between Two Wars, 1926 p.111]. Note: see June 6 postcard to Baldwin and June 7 note. Sam would finally visit Oxford on June 10.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.