January 1900

January – In London, England Sam wrote an aphorism to an unidentified man:

“We ought never to do wrong when any one is looking. / Truly Yours / Mark Twain / London, Jan. 1900”

[MTP: Charles Hamilton catalog, 21 May 1965, No. 4, Item 31].

Sam’s article “My Boyhood Dreams” signed “Sanna, Sweden, Sept. 15th” 1899, first ran in McClure’s for Jan. 1900. It was included in the collections The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories and Essays (1900) and My Debut as a Literary Person, with Other Essays and Stories (1903) [Budd Collected 2: 1005]. Sam’s poem, dated Sept. 15, 1899, “To the Above Old People” also ran in McClure’s for Jan. 1900 [Camfield’s Bibliog.].

January-Februrary – Sometime during these two months, Sam sent a request to Chatto & Windus.

Please charge £2 against me, and for the same sell me several of my books, making a discount to me that will make the £2 go as far as possible, for the cause is a pious one. Don’t send the books to me. Send them to Mrs. ———, Birmingham. I don’t know the lady, but she has applied to me on behalf of her husband’s church. Going to hold a church fair there, and wants some of my books to sell to the godly. I have assured her that the same shall be done, I being rather down on the godly, though I did not tell her that [MTP: Syracuse Post Standard, 25 Mar. 1900, p. 12]. Note: no incoming from Birmingham was found; the lady was not identified.


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.