May 1900

May – In London, England Sam wrote to Samuel S. McClure. “We shall spend from June 1 till Oct 1 in England. Won’t you please divert the magazine to /Care Chatto & Windus” [MTP].

B.F. Hawley M.D.’s article, “A Further Glimpse of Mark Twain’s Hero,” ran in Century Magazine p.157-Tenney: “A letter to the editor, occasioned by MT’s ‘My Debut as a Literary Person’ in the November Century; describes an 1876 sea-trip on which Captain Josiah Mitchell was Hawley’s fellow-passenger, with a cabin across the corridor. Although Mitchell was weakened by the ordeal MT described, and now terminally ill, by will-power he remained alive long enough to reach New York and see his wife a day before he died” [33].

Gale gives this month for Mark Twain meeting Henry James in London [A Henry James Encyclopedia].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.