March 27, 1900 Tuesday

March 27 TuesdaySam’s notebook:Burlingame, 11 am / Mr. Lucy of ‘Punch,’ lunch 1.30. / Enid Stoker, tea 4.30. / Lady Pontifex tea 5.30 / Görz, dinner, 7.30 / MacAlister, 11.30 p.m” [NB 43 TS 6].

Note: Some of these are mentioned in his postcard #2 to John Y. MacAlister. See Mar. 21 from Henry Lucy. Perhaps Edward L. Burlingame, editor of Scribner’s. Lady Pontifex was Mrs. Thomas William Gribble, whose husband had been Postmaster-General of Bengal, India, likely when Twain toured the country. Görz is likely Adolf H. Göerz (1857-1900), Sam’s “good friend, S. African Millionaire,” died in late 1900. See Nov. 2, 1900 from MacAlister.

Sam also wrote a postcard to John Y. MacAlister “I sent Tatlock an urgent telegram, but he answers it is impossible to come. Therefore we will drop him out of the running & say no more” [MTP].

March 27-31 Saturday – In London, England sometime during this period Sam wrote to Poultney Bigelow. “Yes, tell him I will appear before the Copyright Committee next Tuesday” [MTP]. Note: See Apr. 3.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.