February 15, 1900 Thursday

February 15 ThursdaySam’s notebook: “In my father’s house are many flats” [NB 43 TS 5].

Jonas Henrick Kellgren Osteopath, billed £21.0.0 for the last half of February, Feb. 15, 1900 included, for Jean’s treatments [1900 Financial file MTP].

Patrascan wrote a long fan letter (in French) from Bacau, Romania to Sam [MTP].

Dorothy T. Stanley (Mrs. Henry M. Stanley) wrote from Whitehall SW London to Sam, after a crisis of gastric distress with her husband, and allowing Dr. Henrick Kellgren to treat him.

My dear Mr. Clemens—I think and Stanley thinks we have been Divinely guided…My Stanley had been oh so very ill! for a long drawn month. Two years ago he had this Gastralgia of the stomach and only just didn’t die— last year he was 4 months in bed—and I saw seven leading doctors. They none of them did any good—but somehow we battled through. This time I said—and Stanley said—“What will doctors do!—they are powerless to stop these fearful spasms”—so we did nothing. When the pain passed bearing, I injected hypodermically ½ a grain of Morphia—it only allayed the pain for a time, and invariably brought a distressing nausea. Last week Mrs. Meyers…wrote to urge me to try a certain Dr. Kellgren. I called and saw a Swedish maid at the door—who said in bad English that the “Herr Direktor cured by gymnastics!” I came home determined not to ask his help. What could gymnastics do for Stanley! lying faint with pain—in bed. So Saturday-Sunday-Monday-Tuesday and Wednesday passed—yesterday I feared the worst. This morning came another letter from Evelene Myers explaining more—and imploring me to go to Dr. Kellgren. So I took a long written account, in case he was out, and saw him this morning….Already he has somehow “helped” and eased Stanley. He is coming back tonight—in a few minutes—for it is now past nine—and he will calm Stanley off. Now, I am full of joyous hope—the burden alone to bear was so awful—feeling there was no one who could alleviate—much less cure. So I thank you—as well as my sister—you were chosen to help Stanley

[MTHHR 435n1]. Note: See Feb. 27 to Rogers.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.