February 4, 1902 Tuesday

February 4 Tuesday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Frank Bliss.

“There is a chance for you to buy Newbegin’s contract & sell it to another man at what seems to be a tall figure. When you come here to talk with me about it give me notice by telegraph or telephone (150 Kingsbridge) the day before” [MTP]. Note: R.G. Newbegin Co. had distribution rights for the American Publishing Co.’s version of Mark Twain’s Uniform Edition.

Sam also wrote to an unidentified person. The only text available is the mention of Porto Rico cigars: “a breed which I have been experimenting with” [MTP: C.F. Libbie catalogs, 27 Jan. 1914, Item 372].

Sam, along with hundreds others, endorsed a petition to the United States Senate “favoring suspension of hostilities in the Philippine Islands” [MTP]. The New York Times, p.3, dateline WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 ran the following:



Senator Hoar Presents One Signed by Well-Known Men.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 4.—Senator Hoar (Rep., Mass.,) presented to-day a petition signed by a number of distinguished citizens of this country, praying for the suspension of hostilities in the Philippine Islands and asking that an opportunity be given for a discussion of the situation between the Government and the Filipino leaders. The following are among the names attached to the petition:

Carl Schurz, George F. Edmunds, Judson Harmon, J. Sterling Morton, George S. Boutwell, Charles Francis Adams, W. D. Howells, Mark Twain, the Rev. C. H. Parkhurst, W. Bourke Cockran, Robert Treat Paine, T. K. Boyesen, Bishop Huntington, Bishop Vincent, Anson Phelps Stokes, John Burroughs, and William Lloyd Garrison.

Included in the list are the names of thirty-six professors in the University of Chicago and a number of other educators. [Note: George Frisbie Hoar.]

Sam’s notebook: “Dr. Parker (of New York)’s daughter married a mish [missionary] & went to South Africa. She had her father send his money-presents to her thro’ the American Board [of Missions]. Not a good idea for The Board subtracted the like sums from the Missionary’s salary! This is told me by Mrs. Julius Gay, who is able to prove it. (of Farmington, Conn.)” [NB 45 TS 3].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.