July 16 Wednesday – In York Harbor, Maine Sam wrote to Isaac Kaufmann Funk (1839-1912), Lutheran minister, editor, lexicographer, publisher and founder of Funk & Wagnalls, Co. in 1890. “Maybe you let a body have a cloth copy for less than $10 when the applicant demands canvasser’s-commission-off. / But I want the book, anyway, if you recommend it” [MTP]. Note: The Standard Dictionary of the English Language published in 1893 was perhaps Funk’s most important work. It’s not clear which of Funk’s works Sam was after.
Sam also wrote to Prof. O.B. Sears at the Univ. of Va., Charlottesville. Who evidently had requested genealogical information on the Clemens line. Sam replied: “My father was John M. Clemens, but back of him—& even around him—I am in the dark. I think Bryan Clemens might know. His address is 3958 Washington ave., St. Louis” [MTP]. Note: see prior note on Bryan Clemens May 29, 1902.
Sam’s notebook: “Peter Lux & his Claude Lorraine—1889” [NB 45 TS 22]. Note: Claude Lorrain (1600 -1682) was a French baroque painter, who developed his own poetic-romantic style of classical landscape painting. Peter Lux has not been fully identified but there was a South African artist by that name. The significance of this entry is obscure.
L. Fred Silvers of Elizabeth, NJ wrote to Sam.
Dear Sir:—In the light of your recently quoted remark that Sunday School Libraries only circulated “Goody-Goody” books I though you might be interested in the fact that the Sunday School Library of the Central Baptist Church of this city of which I am librarian is perhaps the first S.S. Library in the country that has on its shelves a Complete set of your works [MTP].