July 31, 1902 Thursday

July 31 Thursday – In York Harbor, Maine Sam replied to L. Fred Silvers’ July 16 of Elizabeth, N.J.

It does indeed interest me—and greatly pleases me, too. Also it squares an old account, heals an old sore, banishes an old grievance: the turning of Huck Finn out of the Concord (Mass) circulating library 17 years ago because he was immoral & said he would stand by Jim & go to hell if he must.

I think your selection of authors is a healthy advance upon the old-time S. S. library menu.

Sincerely Yours / SL. Clemens

P. S. But to be strictly honest with you, I very greatly value those old goody goody books, too [;] they made clean & honest children [MTP]. Note: Silvers was a librarian in Elizabeth, N.J.

Note: Silvers is not further identified, but in a NY Times article, “Pleasant Reading,” p. BR13, May 24, 1902, Silvers made several book recommendations, including CY, AC, TS and Twain’s sketch, “The Traveler’s Story.”

Marquis of Equilles wrote a short note from London praising Sam for JA, and thanking him “for the very courteous letter” [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env. “From the Marquis” and then “? Milne?”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.