Elmira, Summer of 1889


June 24 Monday –For Sam to have traveled to New Haven for the Yale Alumni speech of June 26,

July 8 Monday – Likely on this day Sam left Quarry Farm for New York, where he may have spent the night. He was in Hartford by July 11.  He was back in Elmira on the 24th.

Sometime during the month of August, likely the 15th, Twain was visited by Rudyard Kipling.  Kipling wrote a letter that was later published in the New York Herald, August 17, 1890.  This letter is included in Mark Twain: The Complete Interviews,  by Gary Scharnhorst, Interview 50.  It can also be found on-line at Project MUSE.

It is likely Sam made a quick trip to New York from Aug. 21 to 23

September 10 Tuesday – Sam made a solo trip to New York City

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