Germany, Summer of 1893


June 28 Wednesday – At about 8 a.m Sam left Munich for Berlin to accompany daughter Clara back to Munich. Sam’s notebook reveals the trip:  June 28. Arrived at Berlin at 8.28 p.m about 12 ½ hr. out from Munich — still good daylight. Clara, Mrs. Willard & Secretary Jackson at station. Staid at Jackson’s [NB 33 TS 20].

July 1:  Webster & Co.’s financial statement: In excess of $62,000 in uncollected installment accounts, $197,089.75 in liabilities [MTLTP 349n2].

July 2 Sunday – Back in Munich 

July 13 Thursday – The Clemens family traveled a short distance to Krankenheil-Tölz, Germany for Livy’s treatments.

August 8: Note: [Charles J.] Langdon told of receiving a check from Penn. R.R. for $20,800 that N.Y. Banks would not honor, being afraid of all Penn. banks, and so it might as well have been from China.

August 12: Robert Louis Stevenson wrote from Samoa to Sam that his “troubles seem to have arranged themselves,” so it would “deny him the privilege of joining you” in his need to publish (See Apr. 16) He related that in the current war in Samoa, “the government troops have started a horrid novelty: taking women’s heads” [MTP].

August 21 Monday – The Clemens family left Krankenheil-Tölz, for Munich [Aug. 20 to Crane]. Sam’s notebook: We leave Kurhotel, Krankenheil-Tölz, Bavaria, Monday Aug 21, ’93 via Munich for Franzensbad, Bohemia, (Unberufen) after 37 days Aufenthalt [NB 33 TS 29].

August 22 Tuesday – The Clemens family was in Munich, Germany [Aug. 20 to Crane].

August 23 Wednesday – The Clemens family left Munich and arrived in Franzensbad, where Susy had been taking therapy and gorging herself, trying to build herself up to meet her voice instructor’s commands. The family stayed at the Kaiserhaus Hotel in Franzensbad [Aug. 20 to Crane; Aug. 28 to Livy].