April 11 Friday – Sam’s notebook: “xx said she, deftly taking a new reef in her garter, then withdrawing her shapely limb from view behind the falling gown—” [NB 45 TS 10].
Howard E. Wright for Plasmon Syndicate, N.Y.C. wrote to Sam that Henry A. Butters was still in London and expected to inform Wright upon his return. Wright had received reports of “intense activity in the Plasmon business” in London. Barentz was the German Plasmon manager and held a seat on the London Board, but passed control to the London group; Wright mentioned Barentz manipulating stock in the company while building the German factory. “…while Barentz was a great hearted man, he lacked poise in a business way, and was a disturbing factor in the London Board.” Wright wrote at the end of the typed letter: “Name the day for your & Mrs Clemens’ visit to Briarcliff—I’ll do the rest” [MTP].