February 1 Sunday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote to Emilie R. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers).
Mrs. Clemens’s delight in those magnificent roses reached standard. I know it would when I saw them downstairs. I promised to thank you for them the first thing in the morning, & send you her love.
And I made her envious of the birth-day evening at your house, & told her how handsome each member of the family was, & yet how strikingly & conspicuously beautiful Mrs. Rogers was, in the midst of even that formidable competition; & how splendidly competent Mr. Broughton was at table with his pawnshop reminisces; in a word, what an all-round charming & satisfactory a birth-day it was, & how she might have been there herself if she had taken better care of her health when she had a chance.
Mr. Rogers promised to come here to luncheon with you on a Sunday, & Clara & I want you to make it Sunday after next if you can. {I first wrote “next,” but Clara has some idiots here that day.} By that time we mean to get the weather in good shape for you, & will have that old ambulance chartered & waiting at the station if we hear favorably from you.
I have a ten-dollar check for that John T. Lewis whom Mr. Rogers has so many doubts about. [MTHHR 517-8]. Note: “the birth-day evening” was Jan. 29 at the Rogers home.