February 12 Wednesday – George Iles inscribed a copy of Voices of Doubt and Trust (1897) by Volney Streamer (1850-1915), for Sam: “Samuel L. Clemens, from George Iles, / with the highest esteem /and regard. / New York, Feb. 12, 1902” [Gribben 673]. Note: Iles visited Sam on Feb. 17, and may have delivered this with him then.
Sam’s notebook: “Wm. E. Dodge, 262 Mad. Ave dinner & all night” [NB 45 TS 4].
Urban H. Broughton wrote to Sam, enclosing the Chicago address; he’d “taken these Swoboda Exercises faithfully since January 1st with a result so satisfactory” that he’d never spent $20 so well. The Mrs. and he thanked Sam and Livy for coming to their house on such a cold day [MTP]. Note: the day of the visit has not been determined, though Sam did dine at the Rogers’ home on Jan. 15.