July 28 Monday – In York Harbor, Maine Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers.
I’m enclosing the check but not the interest. I don’t ever pay interest until I have examined into a thing & ascertained whether there is a legal way of avoiding it or not. I have generally found this to be a good business method.
Yesterday Dillingham brought up the dramatist of “Huck Finn,” with the MS. It promises to be a pretty good play, & Klaws & Erlanger were so satisfied with it that they are spending $60,000 on it. It will be staged (in the country) in November.
Mr. Witherbee is gone to hell or Mexico, but Whitmore expects to hear from him there [MTHHR 492-3].
Note: Sidney A. Witherbee, millionaire editor of Detroit had made an offer to buy the Hartford house [NB 45 TS 1]. Sam probably knew that Witherbee held the right of way for the Mexican branch of the proposed international railway system, with a ten million dollar concession from the Mexican govt. See NY Times p.6 article Feb.18, 1900, “Mr. Witherbee’s Concession.” see July 1, 1897 for more on Dillingham.