March 11 Tuesday – Livy’s diary: “Mr Norman Hapgood lunched with us. Mr. Rondegger called” [MTP: DV161].
William Evarts Benjamin wrote from the Hotel Brighton, Atlantic City to Sam.
I have just heard from my stenographer that you called at my office yesterday and inquired about the Woodruff house at South Tarrytown. / I spoke to Jaffrey about it in your behalf he day after our visit. He said it cost $75,000 that the Woodruffs asked $60,000 for it but he thought $50,000 or $40,000 might buy it. Tax is about $1000 [MTP]. Note: he hadn’t seen the inside and suggested that they go with Livy to inspect it. Livy would buy the Casey house in Tarrytown, so the Woodruff was evidently another.