March 20, 1902 Thursday

March 20 Thursday – On Mar. 21 Sam wrote from the Hotel Colonial, Nassau, Bahamas to Livy about the events of this day:

We were intending to sail for Havana yesterday evening, sweetheart, but have been delayed by slow coaling-processes. We expect to get away this evening.

The first person I saw when we came ashore yesterday [Mar. 20] & entered this vast & airy hotel, was Sally Twichell, fine & buxome, (She was here with the Browns) & the next was Miss Van Buren, who spoke with great & enthusiastic appreciation of you—& I may say, of Clara, too.

Mr. Archbold took us a-sailing to Hog Island, & there the proprietor & his negroes pared oranges, chattucks, & other fruits, under the trees & our crowd ate them—just a fruit debauch. Our half dozen men must have eaten several barrels of fruit.

That was after the bath. The bath was beyond imagination. The sand was white & velvety to the feet, no undertow, a gradual slope out to sea; the color of the water was the palest & most limpid & flashing green; & when the great waves rose & curled to break, you seemed to see through them; when (swimming,) you looked along the surface, the soft colors, of many shades, chased each other & gave the effect of the flitting soft fires that hunt each other through an opal. Archbold & I swam far out into the enchanted solitudes & rode the rich seas for half an hour. There was no sense of cold or stiffness or cramp or fatigue. We didn’t spend the day out there, only because we hadn’t the time.

We sailed up among the islands & in one of the channels we visited the Sea Garden. The water was not more than 10 or 12 feet deep—absolutely clear, & transparent, like air—& through the glass bottom of the boat we saw the corals of every form & color standing up out of the white bottom, a natural miniature park, the avenues traversed by fishes of splendid color, out picknicking, the coral shadows falling over the sunny paths & mottling them prettily [MTP]. Note: John Dustin Archbold, with Standard Oil Co.

Sam’s notebook:

Sally Twichell.

“Let a penny go!…Do, boss”

Arrived at Nassau 7 a.m.

Visited the Sea Garden with Archbold & Hyacinth Jackson: Mr. Higg’s place on Hog Island. Spended sea-bath. Fruit debauch afterward —oranges &c on skewers. Lunch at the big hotel—drive through Congo town—native Congo music.]

SPONGE [NB 45 TS 6]. Note: Sarah Dunham Twichell (Sally) (b. 1882) daughter of Joseph H.

Twichell. See notes on Carter below.

Sam’s ship log:

Arrived at Nassau, 7 a.m. Anchored in a long narrow harbor like a lake. White coral bottom, & crystal clear water: in 5 fathoms the ship seemed to float on air.

Watch-word of the place: “Let a penny go! …..Do, Boss!”

In all the narrow back-lanes a pest of small niggers swarms continually after the carriages wailing this abject refrain & making touring uncheerful & irksome. The population is black, with a mere sprinkle of whites; the only prosperous industry is the begetting of more niggers; the only other industry, the sponge-fishery. Of the new crop of niggers Commodore was offered two for fifteen dollars by their dam. This does not pay for seed.

Archbold was there, & young & cheerful & hospitable & enterprising as ever. For recreation, not profit, he runs a nigger-show in the suburbs, & very much overpays the artists. The chief features are a pair of pathetic antediluvians out of the Ark who play monotones on a gridiron & drone a weak & wavery sing-song of the date of the Post-Pliocene or Early Quarternary, while a woman of that period smiles with her gums & dances a lewd dance which suggests unchastity but does not provoke it.

Out in Archbold’s Addition every shack is a shop, with a 3-foot counter in it, & ten cents’ worth of fruit for sale. The commercializing spirit of the age has laid its clammy hand upon that place.

Archbold fed the gang at the hotel.

Then, by invitation of his Excellency Sir Gilbert Carter, the Governor, they called at Government House. From the front door one has an enchanting view of the many-colored splendors of the harbor-water—as wonderful a water picture as I have seen any where, I think. The colors are pale & deep purple, several shades of green, & all shades of blue—with sometimes a silken film of pale bronze on the shady side of the waves when the sunlight falls aslant upon them. Possibly the Mediterranean blue is not there, but all the other blues are. The water is mediterraneanly brilliant & transparent.

Mr. Gladstone, the private secretary, was present. He does not find Nassau exciting. He ought to rent a box at Archbold’s prehistoric nigger-show.


This is a colored young man who plies for hire in the harbor, & has a boat with a window in the bottom of it. He speaks West Indian English, which is London Cockney as regards the H, but is individualized & localized by special devilishnesses of its own, & is not very easy to understand. He is fluent & oily & pious, & is a diligent & shameless flatterer. But his tongue is for social commerce only; he does not employ it in business, where by accident or indiscretion it could compromise him, but uses his eye & his smile instead. These leave no record. With his eye & his smile he vividly agreed to take us to & from the Sea Garden for 8 shillings; but when we got back he raised the limit to twenty—& collected it. It was plain villany; all knew it, but none could prove it. The future tourist will find it an advantage to lay low & let this person draw his contract with his eye & his smile, then jump on him & make him sign it with his tongue.

The Sea Garden is in a side-channel 3 miles up the harbor. It is a miniature forest of many kinds of coral, growing out of a white bottom in a crystal-clear water 6 or 8 feet deep, with speckled lobsters, & fishes of radiant color loafing & lazying in the splashes of sunlight & mottlings of shadow that add a land-like charm & beauty to the subterranean park.

Hog Island . Returning, the party stopped there, & had a fruit debauch at cost of Mr. Higgs, the proprietor. The host & an assistant peeled oranges & impaled them on pine skewers, & the guests ate several dozen a piece, corn-on-cob-fashion.

Then went with Archbold—sub-proprietor of Nassau & the encircling seas—& had a bath in a rolling ocean of opaline water daintily beautiful to look upon & very refreshing to body & spirit.


This imposingly buttressed wonder stands in the middle of Nassau town, & may fairly challenge the great banyank of Calcutta as a “sight,” I think [MTP].

In Sam’s Mar. 22 to Livy, he at first confused a trip to Government House this day with Mar. 20. From his Mar. 22:

& all called & spent half an hour at Government House—no, that was the day before [Mar. 20]. The invitation was by letter to me from the Governor, Sir Gilbert Carter, who was glad to see me “again.” I think I must have known him in England…

Night before last [Mar. 20] at 2 in the morning, I thought that if I had a pair of slippers I would go on deck & cool off—& I turned on the light, & there were the cloth slippers on the floor waiting. It is wonderful the way your thoughtfulness meets the necessities every time. I have only to wish & you respond. I love you dearly, sweetheart [MTP]. Note: Gilbert Thomas Carter (1848-1927) was Governor and Commander-in-chief of Bahamas (1898-1904).

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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