March 22, 1902 Saturday

March 22 SaturdaySam’s notebook: “Very hot in the staterooms last night. Governor of Nassau (Bahamas?) Sir Gilbert Carter. Have known him before. His secretary, Gladstone. Sailed at 4 pm. Arrived at Key West— uninteresting” [NB 45 TS 7].

Sam’s ship log: “Arrived at Key West. Niggers, mulattoes, whites, Spaniards, Cubans, & other human wreckage. Nothing of interest there, except for God. Apparently He is interested in anything that comes along” [MTP].

On board the Kanawha at sea en route to Havana, Cuba, Sam wrote to Livy.

By order, Hutton & I are devising an itinerary. Thus far, our idea is to go from Havana around the western end of Cuba, then curve back easterly & southerly, & halt at Jamaica; thence to Porto Rico; thence south to Martinique & Dominica; then come back north on the western side of the chain of islands, stopping at several.

That is it—in the rough. We can’t arrive at the particulars yet—but we must go to Martinique, for that is interesting.

Weather very hot—but cool on deck. …

As chief of the itinerary committee I ordered the captain to go to Key West & lie there four hours, then sail for Havana at 1 tomorrow morning & arrive at 6. I did not consult anybody. Mr. Rogers has just put his head in to say he is going ashore at Key West to consult a lawyer; says Key West is a dull hot place, & he doesn’t see any reason why he—

I told him he mustn’t interrupt the chief of the committee when the chief of the committee is writing letters.

Remember the flying-fishes in the Indian Ocean? I can see them now, darting & flashing over the waves like a flight of silver arrows.

I love you, dearheart [MTP].

Livy’s diary: “Mr. A.A. Welch took Clara to a concert tonight—& came out & spent the night. He left about noon on Sunday” [MTP: DV161]. Note: Archibald A. Welch (ca. 1860-1935), actuary and later president of Phoenix Mutual Ins. Co. of Hartford.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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