October 13 Monday – In York Harbor, Maine Sam wrote to Muriel M. Pears, his “Member for Scotland” in the Juggernaut Club. Had he sent her the Constitution and Laws for the Club? He wasn’t sure he had. Sam related the “disastrous two months & freighted with fears & anxieties” about Livy; he related plans to move her to Riverdale on an invalid car in two days; and noted he had leased the Riverdale house for another year. He was sorry he didn’t have more cheerful things to say [MTP].
Sam also wrote to Hélène Elisabeth Picard, also confiding the “sorrow & trouble” about Livy and their travel plans in two days. It would be a nine-hour journey; he was ready to postpone if she worsened.
I shall see President Roosevelt ten days hence at a Princeton University function, & if I can get a private word with him—which is doubtful, for it will be a large gathering—I will ask him to write his name for you, if nothing more.
Of course Mrs. Clemens may not be well enough for me to go, but I hope she will, for it will be an occasion of historic importance & very interesting.
“Jean” is the feminine form of “John”—just as “Jeanne” is the French form of “John,” nicht wahr? I think she’s pretty [MTP].