October 30, 1902 Thursday

October 30 Thursday – In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote a postcard to the North American Review that he had mailed all three installments of “Christian Science” [MTP]. Note: he also noted it below:

Sam’s notebook: “Second tax-bill—a duplicate (dated Oct. 6, this time, & received Oct. 8) postpones payment till day after to-morrow, Nov. 1 / [Horiz. Line separator] / Sent to-day for N.A.R.: / Xn Science 16 or 17,000 words / Previously: / Amended Obitu—700 words Pd. / (None of them paid for, yet” [NB 45 TS 32]. Note: Sam often neglected to write the closing parenthesis, even in letters.

Sam also wrote to James B. Pond.

I would strain several points for you, but I wouldn’t go on a platform & bring down another avalanche of invitations for the best $50,000 in America. I shall never read or lecture again, except in a private house, under absolutely private conditions, and within the city of New York.

Mrs. Clemens is doing as well as people do who have been bedridden 3 months with nervous prostration.

I have not seen her for a month. She will not be on her feet again for many months [MTP].

Sam purchased $2.75 worth of “potatoe cider” from Michael Droogan, billed on Nov. 1 [1902 Financials file MTP].

Chatto & Windus’ Jan. 1, 1904 statement to Clemens shows 4,000 3s.6d. copies of Mark Twain’s Library of Humor were printed (two) for 4,000 total [236].

James Whitcomb Riley inscribed a copy of The Book of Joyous Children (1902) to Sam: “To– / Samuel L. Clemens, Esq. — / With hale greetings and acclaims, / James Whitcomb Riley. / Indianapolis: / Oct. 30—1902. / Though you find no ‘Jim’ within, / ‘Tom,’ nor ‘Huckleberry Finn,’ / You’ll find friends of theirs, I know / And gay pards of Long Ago” [MTP]. Note: this book not noted in Gribben.

The ledger books of Chatto & Windus show that 2,000 additional copies of Mark Twain’s Library of Humor were printed , totaling 14,000 [Welland 236].

[1904 Financials file MTP]. Note: Welland gives “30 October 1902, 2 August 1906 [This entry was a dangling PDF phrase that may or may not fit here]

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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