October 31, 1902 Friday

October 31 Friday – In Riverdale, N.Y.: Sam’s notebook: “(See Sept. 28.) Jean’s last faint was July 31—92 days without an attack: 13 weeks. (See Oct. 9. also.) ” [NB 45 TS 32].

Sam wrote to Joe Twichell.

DEAR JOE,—It is ten days since Susy wrote that you were laid up with a sprained shoulder, since which time we have had no news about it. I hope that no news is good news, according to the proverb; still, authoritative confirmation of it will be gladly received in this family, if some of you will furnish it. Moreover, I should like to know how and where it happened. In the pulpit, as like as not, otherwise you would not be taking so much pains to conceal it. This is not a malicious suggestion, and not a personally-invented one: you told me yourself, once, that you threw artificial power and impressiveness into places in your sermons where needed, by “banging the bible”—(your own words.) You have reached a time of life when it is not wise to take these risks. You would better jump around. We all have to change our methods as the infirmities of age creep upon us. Jumping around will be impressive now, whereas before you were gray it would have excited remark.

Poor Livy drags along drearily. It must be hard times for that turbulent spirit. It will be a long time before she is on her feet again. It is a most pathetic case. I wish I could transfer it to myself. Between ripping and raging and smoking and reading, I could get a good deal of a holiday out of it.

Clara runs the house smoothly and capably. She is discharging a trial-cook to-day and hiring another. / A power of love to you all! / MARK [MTP: Paine’s 1917 Mark Twain’ Letters, p.728].

Sam also wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore.

This is private. It may be that I shall spend the 7th & 8th of November in Hartford (at your house, if there is room.) As I am not yet certain, let’s keep it private.

Meantime I wish you would ask Dr. Porter to get that infamous restriction removed from my land. If he is willing Mrs. Chamberlin ought to be, for she will not live very long. If he declines, I will go & see him when I come; but I hope he won’t decline.

I want Mrs. Clemens to let the house be put up at the upset price of $30,000, but she can’t talk business yet. But if we can get that restriction removed the house will really become saleable, I think.

We think she gains a little strength, but it isn’t much [MTP]. Note: Mrs. Franklin Chamberlin, neighbor at the Farmington Ave. house; Sam did not have great relations with the late Mr. Chamberlin; see Vol. I. Due to Livy’s bad episodes, Sam did not go to Hartford.

Sue Crane, back in Elmira since Oct. 25, replied to Grace Sewell, daughter of the Clemenses neighbor in York Harbor, Maine.

Indeed you and your father were both very greedy, in a most lovely way, for I am sure you would never have thus labored to get any thing for yourselves. And there are so many of these almost invisible seeds! I know too, so well how much searching, and bending over brown stalks, was required to gather such a quantity.

You may be sure that I shall strive to make every seed become a plant, with the blue flowers so dear to me, and if I am rewarded by blossoms, beside the one dear face I always see in the fringed gentian, I shall also see you, your father and mother.

You will be interested to know that the last flowers, which I took to the train, came out beautifully, and were sent in to Mrs Clemens as a good omen, and as we were picking up to leave the train, Mrs Clemens asked Miss Clara to be sure and save the gentians. Seeing her guard the small bunch of flowers, I took charge of them, and in the morning sunshine, in my Riverdale room, they wakened again, and again, with wide open fringes were taken to cheer the invalid, who has somewhat the feeling for them that I have.

Yes we are very much encouraged in regard to Mrs Clemens. She sat up an hour, out of doors on Tuesday and did not suffer from it. No doubt a long time will be required to restore the tired nerves, but I believe it will come to pass, with care. Miss Clara & Jean now have with them their mothers dearest and oldest friend, the lady for whom Clara was named, and who wrote me when I was in York that she would take my place for a time, if I needed to come home. She is to each member of the Clemens family what no one else can be, and she is able just now to leave her own family. Mrs. Stanchfield is dear to us all, and I like to think of her as there to cheer and encourage them all.

Yes, I found all things at home in good condition, thank you. I arrived on Saturday evening, [Oct. 25] to find the house bright, and very beautiful, with great branches of maple & oak. The dogs, the cat, the horses, as well as the dwellers in the home gave a cordial welcome. It was a joy to be at home, and a great joy to attend the morning service in the church. The pleasant greetings of friends on the streets in town, still goes on, and I feel anew that it is a privilege to grow up with a town from childhood. The old friends mean so much to us as we go older. There is also a peculiar charm in adding new friends, & in feeling that there may be a continually widening circle. I prize the friends added at York, and love to think of the many attractive features of that old place, and I often go over the bridge the “float”, and down among the old pine trees, in the darkness of the night, when sleep fails to come. I walk my little path between the red cottage, and your home, more cheerfully these nights than in the Aug & Sep nights, when your father’s lantern was the most cheering influence.

Your thoughtful letter of Oct 16 reached me at home, and I had already acted upon the suggestion of Mr Putnam, for the money order reached Riverdale, and as it could not be cashed at the office, I went to a relative in Wall St who is a banker, and obtained the money without difficulty. I went into Wall Street just after the shooting of those three men, the murderer taking his own life. There was great confusion & excitement so that I dreaded to go out onto the street again. But Mr Halsey went with me to a car; for its a confused wild place for a country woman. I thought of the peace & quiet of the Yorks, which I greatly prefered. It is odd that one day, being obliged to wait, I went to York Beach for the ride, & at the end of the car route, had an instinct that gentians grew in that neighborhood, and that I could find them if only there was time. You were very persevering in my behalf, and I thank you heartily, as well as your father—and, I am sure the seeds will grow for me. I shall try a few this fall, and some in the spring.

We have not yet had very cold weather. The grass is green, the oak trees are in glorious color, and the witchhazel is still in bloom.

On the afternoon of the day [after] Mrs Clemens was put in her own room she began to improve, as if new courage was given her by the fact that she could take that journey and live. We are all so very thankful it was taken that very day.

Please remember me most kindly to your father and mother, and I shall always regard you all as friends, for you were so very kind to me in those troubled weeks.

Please look at the pine trees, and the in flowing, and outgoing tide, for me, and remember that my spirit haunts your neighborhood as it does Riverdale, and Quarry farm [Heritage Auction Archives Oct. 15, 2009, Lot 35132; “Be Sure and Save the Gentians,” by Peter Salwen, 2005].

Sam’s notebook continued his thoughts about nurse Margaret Garrety, discharged on Oct. 23: “Too sudden a verdict [made on Oct. 6]. The above nurse turned out to be mechanically competent, (rule of thumb), but vain, silly, self-important, untrustworthy, a most thorough fool, & a liar by instinct & training. I discharged her Oct. 23” [NB 45 TS 30].

October, late – Sam began work again on the story he called “No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger.” The first chapter was composed of segments from the earlier “The Chronicle of Young Satan,” which he had put aside when the family sailed to America in 1900. From late this month through May 1903 he completed the first seven chapters [Lsytra 38].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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