February 8, 1908 Saturday

February 8 Saturday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to Frances Nunnally.

Francesca dear, I (and Ashcroft) got back from Bermuda night before last, after a pleasant absence of 13 days. I’ve brought you a Bermuda jewel & Miss Lyon will presently dispatch it to you when Ashcroft sends it to the house. It is decorated with an image of Bermuda’s pride, the angel-fish. It is utilitarian—this jim crack. I think it’s a hairpin, but other authorities think it’s a safety.

But never mind, that isn’t what I sat down to talk about. No, but to thank you & your mother again for that shawl, which has been a most handy & competent friend in time of need—that is to say, Illness. For three weeks it protected me night & day against fresh colds; & was also the only bed-covering I used on shipboard & in Bermuda.

Good-bye, dear. /With love, … [MTP; MTAq 101]. Note: “jim crack,” or gimcrack is a cheap and showy  object of little or no use, possibly alteration of Middle English gibecrake, small ornament.

According to Lyon, Dorothy Quick arrived on Feb. 8 for another weekend visit.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: Dorothy arrived today & the King was so impatient, pacing up & down the big rooms & going to the front door whenever the bell rang, & standing there in his white clothes in an icy blast of wind. An orchestrelle expert was here & I had to leave him constantly to rush after Mr. Clemens & beg him to keep away from that windy door. Up & down the rooms he went & once he said, “a watched Dorothy never boils.” The expert was so happy & laughed so within his clothes to really hear something humorous.

The King’s interest in children increases—his interest in little girls. He can spend hours & hours with them & finds them such good company [MTP: IVL TS 19].

Sam also wrote an invitation to Dorothea Gilder for the Feb. 11 Doe Luncheon, that included a drawing of a sailboat with two figures on deck and one falling overboard: “Ship sinking— man overboard / SLC” [MTP].

Sergeant Hamilton Fish Camp, U.S.W.V. No. 46 (US War Veterans) sent an engraved invitation and calling card for the Yorkville Casino, a reception on Saturday evening Feb. 8 [MTP].

Duke E. Stubbs for the Chauffeurs’ Club of America wrote to Sam. “We are preparing the yearly copy of our Manual for our membership, and as we are all ‘Pilots,’ who are ‘Roughing It,’ we hope you will send a message of good advice…” also a photograph [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Feb. 10, ‘08”

Major Wolfgang Goetz, M.D. wrote to ask Sam to be on the board of directors of a new publishing company set up to publish two books by Goetz [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter, “Answd. Feb. 10, ‘08” and “Cant do it”

February 8? Saturday – Sam and daughter Clara sent invitations to the following for Clara’s music recital on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 9 p.m.: H.H. Rogers and Emilie R. Rogers; Benjamin S. Guinness and Bridget W. Guinness; and Melville E. Stone. Also on the short program: Miss Marie Nichols, Violin, and Mr. Charles Wark, Piano [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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