March 1908

March – Burr McIntosh Monthly (NY) ran a portrait of Twain and daughter Clara, p. 57-8,. Tenney: “Accompanying text states that MT had approximately $50,000 on deposit at the Knickerbocker Trust Company in New York at the time of the crash; he opposed establishing a permanent receivership on the grounds that it would be as expensive to maintain as a harem: ‘Anybody who has had experience in this line will endorse my statement’” [45].

Pacific Monthly ran an article by Charles Warren Stoddard, “In Old Bohemia, II, the Overland and the Overlanders,” p. 261-73. Tenney: “Contains anecdotes of MT in California and recollections of sharing rooms with him in London in the winter of 1873-74. Includes photograph of MT” [46].

Blackwood’s (London) printed an article by Charles Whibley, “American Literature,” p.414- 22.  Tenney: “On MT, pp. 419-20: ‘There is but one author who represents with any clarity the spirit of his country, and that author is Mark Twain. Not Mark Twain the humorist, the favourite of the reporters, the facile contemner of things which are noble and of good report, but Mark Twain, the pilot of the Mississippi, the creator of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer. He, indeed, is national as Fielding is national. Future ages will look upon Huck Finn as we look upon Tom Jones,—as an embodiment of national virtue’” [46].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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