May 11, 1908 Monday

May 11 Monday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Margaret Frohman has sent me a darling colonial tea service” [MTP: IVL TS 53].

A.C. Furbush wrote from Georgetown, Conn., hearing of Sam’s plans to donate books to start a library in West Redding at the Umpawaug Chapel. Furbush argued that Clemens’ books would get better exposure if he donated them to Georgetown’s library, which was recently started by laboring people [MTP].

Katherine Nichols wrote from Newark, NJ to Sam. “Dear Cousin: / If you think I am worthwhile, I would greatly appreciate a reproduction in marble of Karl Gerhardt’s bust of you, miniature size. / Its really an accurate likeness!” After her signature: “How would you like me to get you into spiritual communication with Susie? I can do it; under the proper influences or auspices” [MTP].

Eden Phillpotts wrote from Hotel Minerva, Florence, Italy to Sam.

My Dear Friend / I do hope you are back like a giant refreshed from the vexed Bermoothes to your unfinished books.

      I saw a plaster picture of you in a shop window yesterday & smiled upon it. And somehow I seem to expect the white vision of you at every street corner! “The Mother” [see Apr. 26 Notes] (the line little which has to be changed in U.S.A.) is a little too saccharine, but it was written for love of one woman: my own mother who said to me “the time has come for you to write me a book; & my book shall be a joy & not a grief.” So I obeyed & found in the heredity of goodness a them that promised beauty & hope.

      I wonder if you would like a copy of the book from me? You shall have it when I go home in July…. I wonder what you liked best in Florence? ….

PS / I suppose it is not in my power to do you any service in Florence but if so, command me [MTP].

Dorothy Quick wrote to Sam.

My Dear Mr Clemens

I am almost well now but not quite. I am so glad you got the violets all right. It was so funny how I got this cold that I must tell you about it. I was in school Tuesday when suddenly my eye began to get red. & Miss Arnold (my teacher) said she was afraid I was going to have a pink eye and I had better go home which I did. I did not have pink eye but I got nervous; hence the cold. But I am all right now except a slight cough. How are the cats? “Oh dear! look at the time quarter of nine; I must go to bed.” So I will say “good night” and close with lots & lots of love / I am / Your very loving / Dorothy

P.S. Please give Miss Lyon lots of love for me. Dorothy [MTP; MTAq gives May 12].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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