May 22, 1908 Friday

May 22 Friday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote condolences to George de Forest Brush, after hearing of his loss from daughter Jean.

My dear friend, I have just learned through a letter from Jean of the heavy stroke that has smitten you, & I hasten to do as we all do, & as it is our nature to do: say the word that would comfort & console if it could, but never yet has healed the hurt it sought to heal, for in no words of any man is there healing for a breaking heart. But it is all we can do. We can only say —& I say it:—out of my heart I grieve for you. Most sincerely, … [MTP]. Note: see Aug. 25 from Brush, who had recently lost a daughter, Georgia Brush.

Witter Bynner wrote to Sam. “I’m glad if you’re nesting—even if its from me. But I surely’d like a word with you before I take to the woods again. Can’t you stick on a post-card the hour and day when I might find you next week between Tuesday and Saturday? Yours…” [MTP].

L. Dean Sands for the Missouri University Savitar wrote to ask Sam if he’d be “gracious enough to write something to go in our Savitar ’09?” [MTP].

Clemens A.D. for this day is listed by MTP.  

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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