January 15, 1909 Friday

January 15 Friday – Harry Windsor Dearborn for the Robert Fulton Monument wrote to Sam, attempting to entice him to attend the “informal reception” for which he’d changed the date from Jan. 23 to the 21st to accommodate Sam’s visit to NYC. He listed a string quartet which would be there, a waiting billiard table of Henry W. Marsh’s, and would send an automobile for Clemens. He added a P.S.: “I have invited a number of very young and beautiful girls who will be so pleased to see you on Thursday next” [MTP].

Frederick A. Duneka wrote a short note to Sam. “Your translation of the Hollander’s letter has just come to me, and I am hurrying to put it in type. I will follow your instructions, and do all you ask” [MTP]. Note: Hollander not further identified.

Charles Garvice for the Author’s Club, London wrote hearing that Clemens was coming back to England this year, which would be a “red-letter day” for them [MTP]. Note: source of this rumor was not given.

Helen Keller wrote from Wrentham, Mass. to Sam (the letter is typed, and signed in block letters).

Dear Mr. Clemens: / Our minds keep recurring to the happy hours we spent with you in your beautiful home. I cannot thank you warmly enough for your kindness to me and the two friends whom I hold dearer than life itself. You cannot know what your wise sympathy and tenderness mean to me. You have a master key which unlocks the most intimate secrets of the heart, and I feel that you understand the world I live in and the deep affections behind it. It is a joy to be with one who, having eyes, sees the beauty in the still, dark valley between the mountains.

      We arrived safely Monday night with all our belongings—umbrella, muff, trunk and lives. If that was luck, I am glad that “eternal vigilance is luck” because it means eternal good luck.

      We are all well and living again in our usual quiet, busy way. …

      Mr. Macy wishes me to tell you that as soon as a complete set of the proofs of Mr. Booth’s book can be had, it shall be sent to you. At present only about a third of the book is in type [MTP]. Note: Keller’s name appears in Stormfield’s guestbook for January 11, and noted was there for three days.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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