November 2, 1870 Wednesday 

November 2 Wednesday – Elisha Bliss wrote to Sam:

Dear Twain / Yours recd Yes I got your article. “It is accepted” (a. la. N.Y. Ledger) Thanks for same—

Paper will be out last of the month—

How would your Bro. do for an editor of it—?

Would he be satisfied with $100. per month for present, until we could do better by him—?—

You see we have no real place just now for him, but would like for your sake to create a position for him, if possible—would this do? perhaps if here by & by we could see some opening which would pay good—(I guess he has an “it is safe to trust him to find “openings” if enough if you & he get along well together.)

Say! Is he anything like his younger brother—?

When does he want to leave St Louis.?

Tell me what you want, &, what you think about it &c &c— / Truly / Bliss [MTPO].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.