November 19, 1870 Saturday 

November 19 Saturday  About this day, Sam wrote to brother Orion on the Nov. 17 of Elisha Bliss:

[unknown number of words missing]

Am. Pub. Co. But all right—I am willing. Only I know this—that if you take the place, with an air of perfect confidence in yourself, never once letting any thing show in your bearing but a quiet, modest, entire & perfect confidence in your ability to do pretty much anything in the world, Bliss will think you are the very man he needs—but don’t show any shadow of timidity or unsoldierly diffidence, for that sort of thing is fatal to advancement.

I warn you thus because you are naturally given to knocking your pot over in this way when a little judicious conduct would make it boil [MTPO].

Sam’s article, “Running for Governor,” was printed in the Buffalo Express [McCullough 254]. The article also appeared in the December issue of the Galaxy.

Sam wrote from Buffalo to Mary Mason Fairbanks, criticizing those who copied his ideas—specifically “John Quill” of Philadelphia and Alphonso Griswold of the Cincinnati Times.

Sam also wrote to Olivia Lewis Langdon encouraging her to:

“…hurry & get strong enough to be here on Thanksgiving Day—& sooner if you can, for Livy is very lonely” [MTL 4: 242].

November 19-20? Sunday – Sam wrote from Buffalo to Susan Crane, enclosing drawings and measurements of baby Langdon (“Two Views of Langdon Clemens Thinking”) [MTL 4: 243].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.