November 12, 1870 Saturday 

November 12 Saturday  Sam’s article, “A General Reply,” which had appeared in the November issue of the Galaxy, was printed in the Buffalo Express [McCullough 250].

Sam wrote from Buffalo to James Redpath, wishing he could be at the Press Club dinner that night and that he “sent the boys a dispatch” [MTL 4: 235-6].

Sam then wrote to Joseph and Harmony Twichell, again in first person for baby Langdon:

I am not corpulent, nor am I robust in any way. At birth I only weighed 4 ½ pounds with my clothes on—& the clothes were the chief feature of the weight, too, I am obliged to confess.

They all say I look very old & venerable—& I am aware, myself, that I never smile. Life seems a serious thing, what I have seen of it—& my observation teaches me that it is made up mainly of hiccups, unnecessary washings, & wind in the bowels [MTL 4: 236-7].

Fidele A. Brooks wrote : “We are just as happy as ever we can be that Livy and the boy are contented to remain with us a little longer” [MTP].

Mrs. James B. Parke wrote congratulations on the birth of baby Langdon [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.