November 16, 1870 Wednesday

November 16 Wednesday – Sam wrote to Elisha Bliss:

Friend Bliss— / This is a mild satire of my brother’s on the “Sleeping Beauty” who is making such a stir in St Louis.

Come, let’s hear from you.

Our baby flourishes gallantly. How is Frank’s

Yrs / Clemens [MTPO].

David R. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby) wrote: “I have been bloviating about Pa & N.J. and have just heard of the birth of a child to you. / I congratulate you with all my heart” [MTP].

From the Fredonia Censor for this date: 

Mark Twain had a son and heir born to him last week, and yet, notwithstanding his extreme youth, his father has made something of him already—made a joke of him according to the [New York] World, which says the following despatch has been received by the Literary Bureau from Mark Twain:

      “A son was born to me yesterday [Nov. 7], and with true family instinct he has gone to lecturing already. His subject is he same as Josh Billings—‘Milk.’ You are hereby constituted his agent and instructed to make arrangements with lyceums.” [See also Nov. 8 entry for Billings reference].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.