April 12, 1871 Wednesday

April 12 Wednesday – Sam went to New York City, where he likely met with Isaac E. Sheldon and/or Francis P. Church to follow up on the planned pamphlet and to gain the final payment for his Galaxy contributions [MTL 4: 378n6]. Joe stayed with Clemens several months after his Mar. 24 arrival, and so may have gone with him.

A dinner took place with Clemens, David Ross Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby) and Melville D. Landon (Eli Perkins) at Perkins’ New York residence. “The conversation at that dinner I shall never forget. The stories told and the reminiscences brought out at that dinner would fill a small book” [“A Truthful Trio,” Wit and Humor of the Age, by Perkins (1883) p.194]. Note: Google online gives one of the stories told by Twain about a “very fast horse” he owned in Nevada.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.