April 4, 1871 Tuesday 

April 4 Tuesday  Sam wrote from Elmira to Orion, asking for him to resend any “incidents” about the Nevada days he could recall, since notes had been lost in the move. He asked his brother if Bliss was doing anything with the manuscript he’d sent (Roughing It.) Sam added: “Baby in splendid condition. Livy as feeble as ever—has not sat up but once or twice for a week” [MTL 4: 372].

Sam also wrote to Thomas Nast, whom he’d met in Nov. 1867 upon return from the Holy Land excursion, suggesting a piece for Nast’s proposed Th Nast’s Illustrated Almanac for 1872 [373-4n2]. See Apr. 24 entry for Nast’s reply.

Issac E. Sheldon wrote:

Friend Clemmens [sic] / Your favor of Apl 3rd is at hand. I rec’d also a few days since yours of Mar 22nd. Inclosed find a contract as you desire. It is just like the one you sent except that settlements are made 1st of Aug & Feb each year. At these times we make up a/cs of copyright in all our books.

      The returns for copyright, after the first settlement, will of course not be large, as a book like this has its main sale at once. As regards the story, I like the idea & it would sell well if it were a good story & had a quiet vein of humor as well as the tragic interest of a story. I do not see why you could not write such a story. If you feel in the spirit of it I should certainly make the attempt. We had better give the public enough for the money next time. I like to have every one satisfied / I am Truly Yours / Isaac E Sheldon [MTPO].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.