October 6, 1879 Monday

October 6 Monday – In Toronto, Canada, Howells wrote to Sam. Howells was on a “very nice trip” to see his father.

Next week we are going on for a day at John Hay’s. Hay is deep in politics, and will probably go to Congress next year. I wish we could stop at Elmira, but we must go home the other way. We left the chicks at Belmont, and we’re in a hurry to get back to ‘em [MTHL 1: 272].

Orion Clemens wrote to thank Sam for his “kind letter of Octo. 2…I had squared off my rent account, and taken down my attorney’s sign. It is well enough. It was only creaking and catching no flies. I shall write at home, and use the rent money to pay installments on some books I wish to buy.” He added after his signature, “I am grateful to you for continuing to send me the cheques. One for fifty dollars came Saturday. Mr. Perkins had been sending them so they arrive before the 1st; and when the 1st came without the cheque, with my usual sanguine hopefulness, I never expected to see it or another” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.