July 10, 1884 Thursday

July 10 Thursday – Sam wrote a one-liner from Elmira to James B. Pond:

“Yes, offer Cable $450 a week & expenses—but be sure & let me know the result by the 16th” [MTP].

Sam wrote from Elmira to Ellen C. Taft, widow of Dr. Cincinnatus A. Taft about the New York Times article of June 30 that focused on her husband’s autopsy (See June 26 entry). Mrs. Taft wrote Sam on July 2, upset about the article, but did not send it. Sam asked for it and reflected on the “certain beautiful traits” of her husband. He added:

“…I do not wish to seem to be defending Dr. Taft; for to Hartford people that would be like defending light, & warmth, & water…. I have been a long time answering; but you will understand the delay when I explain that I have been almost daily in the dentist’s hands during the past seven or eight days. It has unfitted me for everything” [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote the Courant on July 18. See entry.

Sam also wrote five notes to Charles Webster—the first one congratulating Charles and Annie on the birth of their son, his grand-nephew, Samuel Charles Webster, born on July 8, 1884. The second note was a follow up to the book Sam wanted by Colonel Dodge—Charles had sent Our Wild Indians, but Sam wanted Dodge’s first book, but couldn’t recall the name (The Plains of the Great West and Their Inhabitants –see Gribben, 197) [MTP]. One way to angle for a raise is to name the baby after the boss.

The third note was a question/reminder to “draw the Osgood money out of Bissell’s bank & transfer it to” Webster’s bank in New York [MTP].

The fourth note was a list of short notes that Bliss’s check had been received; he didn’t want the “Texas Siftings” book; “Give our love to Annie & the baby”; a package had arrived that he hoped was Buffalo Bill’s book [MTP].

The fifth missive was a bit longer—a letter about Karl Gerhardt sending a statue to Hartford that was to be exhibited in New York and then placed in the Clemens home. Evidently Gerhardt had written that he’d sent the statue to Hartford.

“Now when you get a chance will you just go to work & collar that little statue & stop it from getting to Hartford? Just hang on to it till 6 east 23d street is ready to take it & exhibit it. I could swear my teeth loose over this d——d idiocy [PS] We don’t want it till autumn” [MTP].

Charles Webster wrote to Clemens: “I send you by mail today 11 galleys of proof”; should they take on a book from Hubbard Bros.—Blaine and Logan? [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.