July 12, 1884 Saturday

July 12 Saturday – Charles Webster wrote to Clemens that Annie & the baby were doing well; he had to have the invoice & bill of lading on the statuette in order to get it out of customs [MTP].

July 12August 14 Thursday – Sometime during this stretch, Sam wrote from Elmira to Charles Webster bout the dwindling profits on the scrapbooks with Slote & Co.

Won’t Koch & Co buy the Slote two-third interest? They ought to get it for next to nothing; then I would buy my one-third interest.”

Evidently, Webster had received the note of July 10 about Gerhardt’s statue and had trouble locating the gallery where it was to be exhibited, because Sam responded:

“As to the statuette, you know it is to go to the Art Exhibition I told you of, in 23d st. That’s all I know. 6 E 23d st., Madison Square South. It opens September 1 [MTP]. Note: July 12Aug. 14 is chosen here over July 10Aug. 14 as in the MTP designation.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.